reduce to tears|reduce to tear in English

bring to tears, make cry

Use "reduce to tears|reduce to tear" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reduce to tears|reduce to tear" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reduce to tears|reduce to tear", or refer to the context using the word "reduce to tears|reduce to tear" in the English Dictionary.

1. He has in his grasp the ability to reduce anyone to tears, through a snappy headline or lurid story.

2. How to Reduce Anxiety.

3. It becomes the subject of innumerable short stories and songs, of films that reduce their audiences to tears.

4. To reduce abject poverty.

5. Atomized: to reduce to fine particles.

6. Atomizes: to reduce to fine particles.

7. Atomize: to reduce to fine particles.

8. Her public Avowals to reduce …

9. Comminutes: to reduce to fine particles.

10. Countered: to strive to reduce or eliminate.

11. The Cheetahs famous black "tear-streaks" may reduce glare like a football players eye-black

12. Hydrogen sulphide to reduce metabolic activity.

13. The project aims to reduce homelessness.

14. Antilemic to reduce cholesterol or triglycerides

15. Use ice to reduce the swelling.

16. We need to reduce our overheads.

17. How to Reduce Customer Churn 1.

18. She exercises to reduce the waistline.

19. How to Reduce the Bullwhip Effect

20. To Reduce Fears and Increase Confidence

21. Thus, adding ammonia to aerosols may reduce their acidity (i.e. reduce the concentration of H+ ions).

22. Companies may intensify production, improve productivity or reduce output - all of which tend to reduce employment.

23. Techniques to reduce or abate emissions to air

24. Synonyms of Atomizing. to reduce to fine particles

25. Reduce abstraction